Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Landscape Irrigation Management Part 1: Water in the Landscape

Many in the Southeast view irrigation as a “quick fix” for problems encountered during a hot, dry summer. It is a simple way to get some water to plants that are wilting and keep them alive until rainfall returns. Others see irrigation as a method to provide all of the water a plant may need on a daily basis. Neither of these views will provide a good habitat for our landscape plants.

Irrigation is quite simply a balancing act. We are attempting to maintain a given soil moisture content for optimum plant growth.

When too much water is applied to the landscape, the excess water saturates the root zone and replaces oxygen in the rooting area. Plant roots require oxygen to grow properly, so the anaerobic (without oxygen) conditions in a saturated or flooded landscape do not provide the ideal growing medium for a plant. Plants that are found in a flooded or saturated area are often referred to as “drowned,” which is an apt expression.
When too little water is applied to the landscape, plants begin to dry and wither. Every plant transpires (or emits) an amount of water through the stomata (small openings that vary in size with the climate conditions) in the leaves as a part of the plant’s water use and transport / production processes. When a plant finds itself in a drought condition, it usually begins to hoard its water supply by partially closing the stomata. This restricts water flow through the plant and results in slower transport processes as well as wilting. If we allow the plant to be “drought-stressed” in this manner for too long, the plant will be weakened and may even die.

Irrigation is one method to replace water in the soil used by the plants. As previously mentioned, this is a balancing act. We must apply enough water to maintain a plant’s growth, but not so much that we saturate the soil and drown the plant. We must also consider other water additions to and subtractions from the landscape.
The irrigation balancing act
Figure 1. The irrigation balancing act.

Water Additions to the Landscape
Rainfall: Rainfall is an obvious contributor of water to the landscape. Nice, gentle showers provide a great deal of water over a period of time, most of which may stay in the landscape. Intense thunderstorms, however, often provide water more quickly than the soil can absorb it. In this case, excess water will actually “run off ” (explained later in the text) and leave the landscape, so we may not receive the full benefit of all the water that fell in our rain gauge.

Snow, Sleet & Hail: Each of these forms of precipitation also contributes water to the landscape, albeit during times of the year when our plants may not require very much. “Wet” snow that falls when the temperature is near freezing may contribute up to 1 inch of water for every 6 inches of snowfall, while “dry ” snow that falls during much colder weather may contribute up to 1 inch of water for every 12 inches of snowfall. Sleet and hail will also contribute water (although hail will hopefully not fall in a large enough quantity to provide an appreciable amount of water).

Irrigation: This is the man-made method of applying water to the landscape. Some concerns that apply to rainfall also apply to irrigation – if water is applied too quickly, some of it may “run off” and provide no benefit to the landscape.

“Run-On”: Assume that your neighbor’s yard is a few feet higher in elevation than your yard. If a hard rainfall event occurs, some of the water may “run off” from that yard and subsequently “run on” to your yard. If the water stays in your yard it will contribute to the soil moisture in your landscape. This “run-on” may be beneficial in a dry year, but it may also be a continual problem in a wet year if it saturates your landscape soil regularly or creates a wet spot. If this is the case some form of drainage (drain tile, etc.) or runoff water diversion (terrace, etc.) may be necessary.

Water Subtractions from the Landscape

Evaporation: Everyone is familiar with the evaporation of water from puddles, water glasses, ponds and swimming pools. Soil moisture may also be lost from a bare soil surface due to evaporation. Only the top inch or so of soil may be subject to this evaporation, but in a drought situation, every drop counts. Mulches help reduce this soil evaporation loss.

Transpiration: This is a large word for “plant water use.” The water taken up by a plant is largely “transpired” as water vapor through the stomata in the leaves, then “ evaporated” into the atmosphere. (The term “evapotranspiration,” also called “ET” in irrigation publications, refers to plant transpiration plus soil evaporation.)

Runoff: Soil can accept water at a certain speed or rate, called the infiltration rate. This rate of water movement into the soil varies with soil type (and other factors). When water is applied to the landscape faster than the soil can accept it, the excess water “runs off” across the landscape, giving us the term “runoff. ”
Water that “runs off” has quite obviously left your landscape and will not be there when plants need it. If runoff occurs during a thunderstorm, we assume some portion of the rainfall received will benefit our landscape but not the full amount found in our rain gauge. Quickly-moving runoff water can also cause soil erosion, creating rills (small eroded channels) and small gullies in the landscape.

The same principle applies to irrigation – any water that runs off is leaving your landscape and not providing moisture for plants. If you see water running off during irrigation, stop the irrigation system, allow the water to soak in for an hour or so, and then resume irrigating. If the runoff is due to a steep slope or heavy soils (clays, etc.) you may need to change your irrigation schedule to water for a shorter amount of time twice that day rather than a single long irrigation set. This will help conserve water and make sure your landscape will receive all of the water purchased or pumped.

Driveways and sidewalks can also contribute to runoff losses if sprinklers are not adjusted correctly. Any water applied to a concrete or asphalt surface will immediately run off to the nearest ditch or culvert. Water applied to these areas can also create liability problems for the homeowner, especially if an irrigation system turns on unexpectedly while pedestrians are using the sidewalk. Make sure all sprinklers and spray heads are adjusted correctly so that the water is applied to the landscape, not the pavement.

Leaching: Assume that your yard is completely level, the soil is somewhat coarse or sandy, and no runoff occurs during irrigation. If you apply more water than the soil can hold see HGIC 1805, Landscape Irrigation Management Part 6: Soil Type & Irrigation Frequency, the extra water has to go somewhere. In this case it moves downward through the soil profile. When the extra water moves past the root zone of the landscape plants, it has in effect “leached” out of the root zone. The water is still in the soil, but it is too deep for the plants to retrieve it. This water has left your landscape just as effectively as if it had run off over the top of the ground.

Excess water leaching past the root zone has another detrimental aspect. The leaching water may move water-soluble compounds in the soil (such as fertilizers and pesticides) down with it. This removes these compounds from the root zone area where they are needed and may eventually transport them to the groundwater. A homeowner will lose fertilizer, pesticide or herbicide, and water if leaching occurs and may also impact the groundwater in that area.

Monday, July 18, 2011

What’s in a Spotlight?

By Ian Ibbitson, PhD., ALLSCAPE Quality Lighting

This is a typical application where various spotlights are used to light trees and shrubs bordering a pathway. These types of lamps are mostly found in low-voltage and 120V line-voltage applications, and are available in incandescent and metal halide HID versions.
In any landscape lighting application, a majority of the objects in the environment are illuminated using a spotlight. Whether it is a tree, bush, column, sign, statue or even flagpole, a spot lighting optical system is used more often than not to get the job done. Understanding the basic principles of how a “spot optic” works enables professional landscape contractors to select the best choice of spot optic for any given application.
A spot optic consists of a lamp and reflector. Lamps such as the very popular MR-16, and commonly used PAR 20, PAR 30 and PAR 38 integrate the lamp and parabolic-shaped reflector into one convenient package.

More sophisticated commercial applications typically use spot optical packages created by the fixture manufacturer. When the arc tube of a MH lamp is positioned at the focal point of the parabola, the light rays are out-put in a parallel beam from the reflector, creating a spotlight. Lamps with smaller arc tubes concentrate more light at the focal point, producing a narrower spot light effect.

Different lamp types placed in the same parabolic reflector will produce varying results because of their arc tube size. For example, a 100W MH E17 lamp has a much smaller arc tube than a 175W E17, even thought their bulbs are the same overall size. The 100W E17 lamp will produce a much narrower spot with a greater concentration of light or center-beam candlepower.

In-ground fixtures with metal halide spot optics are used to light some of the statues, trees and the flagpole in this 9/11 memorial. Custom reflector designs, and a lamp such as an E17, T6, or T4, are used. The reflector is usually in shape with a specular finish.
A lamp’s wattage, and the light (lumens) it out-puts, should be tempered by its ability to work with the reflector to produce effective lumens. Today, new low-wattage metal halide lamps, such as the 20W T4 or BT5, have very small arc tubes that can produce powerful narrow spotlights. These perform significantly better on a maximum candlepower per watt basis than their higher wattage relatives. A typical spot optic with a 22W BT5 lamp from Philips, produces 46,000 center-beam candlepower compared with lower 40, 516 center-beam candlepower generated by a higher 39W T6 lamp. The BT5 beam angle is also narrower and more focused at size degrees, compared to eight degrees for the T6.

So what does all this mean? If a narrow spot optic is required, the best results will be derived from the lamps with the smallest arc tubes. A narrower beam throws light a greater distance, allowing the taller landscape objects (trees, statuary, monuments, flag poles) to be illuminated more effectively, generally with less energy, two benefits for the contractor’s client.

If a spot optic requires the arc tube to be placed at the focal point of the parabola, what happens if it is not? Moving the arc tube a small distance out of the parabola’s focal point widens the spot, producing a flood optic. The arc tube movement that is required is often quite small, less than 1 inch.
Understanding the basic workings of a parabolic reflector allows the landscape contractor to select the best lamp/reflector combination for the job. If a column on a building is to be illuminated, how do you decide what the best spotlight is to perform the job?

Note the difference between these two lamps. Caution should be taken when changing lumen or light-output values in a photometric package, to simulate different wattage lamps from what was originally tested and recommended by the fixture manufacturer. Results in the field however, may vary. 
Small diameter columns, less than 2 ft. should use a narrow-beam spot reflector. A good lamp choice would be a 20 W BT5 or T4. Wider columns up to 3 or 4 feet in diameter should use the 39W T6. Even wider columns could use an E17 lamp or the flood versions of a BT5 or T6. If column height is also an issue, narrow-beam optics must be used, or a fixture must be placed at the bottom and the top of the object, or in the middle using an up/down light. If height and width is required, several narrow beam light fixtures spaced appropriately apart may be required. To achieve a smooth effect, make sure the beams of each fixture overlap.

If narrow-beam spotlights are used it is recommended to place the fixture as close to the object as possible. For example, if the beam width is approximately 3 ft., place the fixture 1 ft. from the object.
Placing the fixture further from the object may require the optical assembly to be aimed (tilted) towards the object, to get sufficient light on it. Also, if an in-ground fixture is being used to light a column or palm tree, placing the fixture too far away can result in the base not being illuminated, creating a floating effect which is not recommended.

In many landscape applications the fixtures are installed when planters and trees have not grown to their full size. Typically, the lighting looks good at the start but not so good a year or two later when everything has grown. A good way to compensate for this is to use spot-to-flood adjustable optics.

A simple flat-blade screwdriver is used to move the lamp in and out of the parabolic reflector. Fixtures such as this allow adjustment of the beam width to suit the landscape. Spot optics would be used at the start, and then adjusted to flood as vegetation grows and expands.

Spot-to-Flood Adjustment: The circle at left is a magnified view of this lamp’s spot-flood adjustment mechanism. Installers use a flat-head screwdriver to retract or extend the brown part at far left to set the bulb (far right) to spot or flood mode. Other brands have similar but different spot-flood adjustment mechanisms.

Fine-tune, Adjust

Most of the time, a simple spot optic will do the trick but occasionally additional options may be required to provide extra light control. Refractors are often used to widen or smooth light emanating from the reflector. A linear spread lens is used to spread the beam in one axis, while a radial lens is used to widen and smooth the light in all directions.

External fixture controls, such as barndoors, are used to provide a sharp cutoff, perhaps to stop light from getting into a nearby window. It is important to control glare because it can be a huge distraction to the pedestrians walking by and take their eye off your great lighting design.

As you can see, there is more to spot optics than literally meets the eye. Creating a great lighting design requires some artistic flavor but also requires a basic understanding of lamp technology and how it interacts with parabolic reflectors. Compare the optics available and play with the placement of the fixtures relative to the object to be illuminated. A few minutes of research and computer design will greatly improve the look of your project and ultimately make your customer happy that they chose you to design and install their project.

Independent Motion Control and Dimming for Low Voltage Landscape Lighting Circuits

A typical lighting circuit that has two motion sensors as well as a remote switch for manual control of the lights.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


SC-1-Black: "Product Information

Full Size

Directional light without light guard, ideal for washing landscape with light. Also available in:verde (SC-1-Verde)bronze (SC-1-Bronze)Packaged 30/carton, shipping weight 29 lbs/carton.

Housing: Die-cast aluminum
Finish: UV powder coating

Lens: Clear, tempered and heat resistant glass
Lamp Type: 12 Volt, Bi-pin, MR 16 Halogen 35W max.
Mounting: Cast aluminum adjustable knuckle with 1/2' NPT, Ground Spike and Bulb included
Wiring: All fixtures are prewired with 15ft pigtail of 18-2 direct burial cable

Also available in verde (SC-1-Verde) and bronze (SC-1-Bronze)

Packaged 30/carton, shipping weight 29 lbs/carton.

Retail Price: $45.00

For wholesale prices, please login or register!
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